Monday, January 11, 2010

Beyond the Bounds

There are times where you hear a tune, and it entrenches itself firmly into your brain with the sturdiness of a mountain that you can't get it out despite the forced attempts to distract yourself. The only way to force it out is, like the weather does the mountain, slowly erode it through time, which as you can imagine takes some time. While that happens though, you can always enjoy the many dawns and dusks from the summit.

Beyond the Bounds is the opening theme for Zone of the Enders: the 2nd Runner (otherwise known as Anubis: Zone of Enders) for the PS2. For more details about the game, you may visit the official website or use the all-powerful Google search engine as Google knows all!

The thing that makes this so addictive is its spell-like melody, which encaptures your (my) attention, while giving life to the song, as if the listener can picture a struggle against the uncertainty of future. Of course, there's always the fact that I enjoy the music because I actually played the game.

Anyway, here are the lyrics (the English part of it anyway), as taken from the link above. The other parts are in a made up language created based on Finnish and English. If you are interested (which given my circle of acquaintances, is unlikely), you may also pay a visit here for the full lyrics, which to my initial delight, includes the jibberish part of the song.
Message of the blowing wind
Erasing memories
Stars are the witnesses of our existence

Change is what the world awaits
Could that be peace or war?
The answer no one knows
Trusting the break of dawn
The blue bird flies away

Travelling beyond the bounds
We have to take that step
What are we waiting for? It's now or never

Fear to see "The World to Be"
Is why we hesitate
Repeat the same mistake
Hoping to break new ground
The blue bird flies away

Reaching out to catch the sun
To hold it in our hands
Longing for something strong to hide our weakness

Soon the light may disappear
Nothing is meant to last
Yet we believe our world
Searching for happiness
The blue bird flies away

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